Native Student Success

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Our scholars represent

Tribal Nations





Student Impact Highlights

The American Indian College Fund is creating a college-going culture and college success through funding and programs that increase the persistence and graduation rates of American Indian and Alaska Native students.

Scholarships Awarded

First-Generation Scholars

Direct Student Support

Areas of Student Support

The College Fund offers a full menu of tudent support options for our Native scholars, which will be more important than ever in the wake of the new affirmative action ruling regarding college admissions. Options we offer include:

Direct Student Support

  • Scholarships, including summer school scholarships.
  • Student communication support, including motivational text messages and emails.
  • Mental wellness.
  • Monthly newsletters about scholarships and internships.
  • Chats with coaches.
  • Summer of Success virtual conference promoting high school college readiness, college student preparedness, and confidence for all levels of students.
  • Workshops on topics such as scholarship applications and how to apply for an internship.
  • Employment resources.
  • High school programs.
  • GED programming
  • Graduate school fairs.
  • Professional development workshops on topics like building a resume, networking, writing a cover letter, and interviewing.

Coaching Support

  • Connecting to faculty, professionals, and mentors
  • Connecting study to careers
  • Connecting students to on-campus resources
  • Study skills
  • Emotional support, nudges, and encouragement
  • Connecting students to events and academic and internship resources

Student Engagement

  • Online events
  • Website resources
  • Social media posts
  • Emails
  • Messages to students about special opportunities


of scholars said they felt seen and heard by the College Fund

2021 Event Highlight:
Summer of Success Virtual Conference

The Summer of Success Virtual Conference in July 2021, brought together more than 215 actively engaged high school and college students, and their community and institution supporters for a three-day virtual event to promote successful college-going paths. Student conference attendees participated in a pre and post survey to learn about their perceptions of their college readiness and confidence before and after the summer conference. Both high school student and college student participants’ mean confidence scores increased overall as a result of their participation in the conference.

Student Program Areas

Indigenous Education

Strengthening the education pathway from cradle to career

The College Fund recognizes that the success of one Native student impacts their whole family, extending to their community. From supporting students who will become the early childhood teachers nurturing our children, to uplifting adult learners pursuing their high school equivalency, to encouraging systemic changes that lead to more Native teachers in the classroom, we are building strong Indigenous education pathways.

Supporting Our Relatives

Investing in Students and TCUs

We want all of our relatives to be seen, supported, and valued. Through programming that supports underrepresented demographics at TCUs, we strive to elevate these voices and experiences.

Career Readiness and Employment

Centering culturally-grounded values in resources to support scholars’ employment success.

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