The future of my nation begins with my education.

The future of my nation begins
with my education.

The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities.

Our Vision

Since its founding in 1989, the American Indian College Fund has been the nation’s largest charity supporting Native student access to higher education. We provide scholarships and programming for American Indian and Alaska Native students to access higher education. And once students are in college, we provide them with the tools and support to succeed.

There is still time to get money for college!

In addition to College Fund scholarships, students can receive up to $7,395 per year in Federal Pell Grants for the 2024-2025 award year.

Make Native Voices Heard_AICF Flame_Logo Draft (HD) vote voter advocacy

Native Votes Count!

Indian Country needs your vote to elect tribal, state, and national leaders to address the important issues facing our students, TCUs, and Indigenous communities!

Our Impact


Invested into Native Communities


Awarded since 1989



Give back to their communities

How Your Donations are Used


Management and General




Scholarships, Programs, and Public Education

A Commitment to Donors


2023 Gold Seal of Transparency

Best Charity

Certified by America’s best charities

Charity Navigator

View our Charity Navigator profile

BBB Wise Giving Alliance

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Tribal Colleges and Universities

Tribal colleges and universities provide dynamic higher education opportunities, most on or near reservation lands. Known for their remarkable programs, culturally-relevant curricula, and familial student care – tribal colleges allow students to further their careers, attain an advanced degree, or better support their communities.

Recent Blog Posts

From Our President

TCUs Help Heal in Wake of Boarding School Legacy

A message from Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. It’s back to school time! Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) across the country are opening their doors to students as they get ready to start a new semester.

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Press Release

American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date 

The American Indian College Fund (College Fund) awarded its largest Full Circle scholarship cohort ever, with nearly 2,000 Native students receiving awards. The Full Circle Scholarship Program is open to any Native American U.S. citizen who is an enrolled member or descendant of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe. Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and plan to enroll as a full-time student at a nonprofit, accredited college or university. 

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Still Time to Apply for Federal Financial Aid!

There is still time this summer to submit your application for federal financial aid. Students can receive up to $7,395 for their education per year through the Pell Grant program! Combining scholarships and federal financial aid makes good economic sense. Don’t leave...

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Making an Impact: The Importance of High School Equivalency Programming

The College Fund’s Native Students Stepping Forward: Dollar General Adult Education Program supports underserved Native students to prepare for and obtain high school equivalency (HSE) credentials. This program addresses a critical gap in the education pathway that allows more individuals the chance to pursue post-secondary education and meaningful careers.

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Featured News

TCUs Help Heal in Wake of Boarding School Legacy

A message from Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. It’s back to school time! Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) across the country are opening their doors to students as they get ready to start a new semester.

Century of Citizenship

American Indian and Alaska Native communities have achieved a great deal in the past century. Here at the American Indian College Fund, we look forward to what successes the future will bring as we encourage Native students, scholars, and communities alike to use the tools of citizenship to make their voices heard and their peoples prosper.

Honoring Native Voices, Cultures, Histories, and Ancestors on International Museum Day

Did you know there are federal laws regarding what museums can keep in their collections when it comes to Native peoples? The American Indian College Fund believes elevating the visibility of contemporary Native artists and their voices is integral to telling our stories. It is just as important for Native people to be represented respectfully and accurately through the arts in museums and other institutions.

Student News

News from our Progams Team

College Fund Programs Team

Making an Impact: The Importance of High School Equivalency Programming

The College Fund’s Native Students Stepping Forward: Dollar General Adult Education Program supports underserved Native students to prepare for and obtain high school equivalency (HSE) credentials. This program addresses a critical gap in the education pathway that allows more individuals the chance to pursue post-secondary education and meaningful careers.

I:We-Mta: Working Together

The Tohono O’odham Community College Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program’s Ihduwiyayapi: Advancing Indigenous Early Childhood Education grant, titled I:We-Mta: Working Together, had three goals: to increase student satisfaction and sense of belonging through site visits, to increase program offerings to sister tribes and throughout the state of Arizona, and to improve the program’s cultural and academic alignments.

College Fund in the News

Cheryl Crazy Bull Publishes Brief on Native Student College Access

The Campaign for College Opportunity has published "Ensuring College Access and Success for American Indian/Alaska Native Students,” authored by Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. This latest publication is part of the Campaign for College Opportunity's "Affirming Equity, Ensuring Inclusion, and Empowering Action," a national initiative that elevates best practices supporting the college preparation, admission, affordability, and success of minoritized students.

Gray Magazine covers Trey Blackhawk, winner of the 2023 Tribal College Blanket Contest

Gray MagazineMar 26, 2024

Gray Magazine covers Trey Blackhawk, winner of the 2023 Tribal College Blanket Contest and discusses the importance of giving Native students this opportunity to share meaningful stories through design.

Jasmine Seeks Role as Voice for Her People and Environment as University of Michigan Law Student

University of Michigan LawOct 18, 2023

College Fund student ambassador Jasmine (Menominee) has long been an environmental activist in her community, which depends upon the environment for its economic livelihood. Today she is studying at the University of Michigan Law School to pursue a career as an attorney working in litigation and appeals after realizing that the aspect of the environmental movement that affects her the most is social justice.

Congratulations Dyani White Hawk

MacArthur FoundationOct 4, 2023

The American Indian College Fund congratulates Dyani White Hawk (Lakota), multidisciplinary artist and tribal college and university graduate, who was named a 2023 MacArthur Fellow. Read more about Ms. White Hawk, her prestigious achievement, and her art.

Higher Education Leaders Respond To Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling

ForbesJune 30, 2023

Forbes offers perspectives from several higher education experts on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action and shares hope for colleges and universities to still achieve diversity with a little bit of creativity.

Barack Obama says affirmative action ‘allowed generations of students like Michelle and me to prove we belonged’

Yahoo! NewsJune 30, 2023

In sharing his own experience with affirmative action, Former President Barack Obama also noted the American Indian College Fund and other organizations that support students who have historically been systemically excluded from pursuing higher education. Learn more in the article shared by Yahoo.