The future of my nation begins with my education.
The future of my nation begins
with my education.
The American Indian College Fund invests in Native students and tribal college education to transform lives and communities.
Our Vision
Since its founding in 1989, the American Indian College Fund has been the nation’s largest charity supporting Native student access to higher education. We provide scholarships and programming for American Indian and Alaska Native students to access higher education. And once students are in college, we provide them with the tools and support to succeed.
There is still time to get money for college!
In addition to College Fund scholarships, students can receive up to $7,395 per year in Federal Pell Grants for the 2024-2025 award year.
Featured News
Cheryl Crazy Bull Publishes Brief on Native Student College Access
The Campaign for College Opportunity published “Ensuring College Access and Success for American Indian/Alaska Native Students,” authored by Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund, as part of its “Affirming Equity, Ensuring Inclusion, and Empowering Action,” a national initiative that elevates best practices supporting the college preparation, admission, affordability, and success of minoritized students that came in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to curtail the use of race in college and universities admissions. The Campaign’s national initiative seeks to ensure America does not return to an era of exclusion in higher education.
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Despite centuries of trauma connected with education as an assimilation tool, American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) peoples have remained resilient and advocated tirelessly to achieve equal opportunity in higher education, building a movement to restore Native culture and community life with the creation of tribally controlled colleges and universities (TCUs). Yet the participation of AIAN people in higher education remains low with 16% of AIAN people ages 25-64 earn a bachelor’s degree compared to 32% of the rest of the U.S. population. The number of Native youths in higher education is significantly less than that of the rest of the U.S. population and substantially decreased over the last 10-15 years.
President Crazy Bull urges all colleges and universities to strive for ensuring equal opportunity, inclusion, and creating a strong sense of belonging on their campuses, and for learning from TCUs to build education institutions that honor Native identity and empower these students to succeed. “Ensuring College Access and Success for American Indian/Alaska Native Students” presents the current state of higher education access and completion for American Indian/Alaska Native Students (AIAN) and details a series of best practices and recommendations that ensure AIAN students can succeed in higher education without abandoning their cultures. The brief also explores how leaders at the federal, state, and institutional level can ensure access to higher education for AIAN students in ways that affirm their cultures and the unique sovereign political status of American Indian and Alaska Natives.
Our Impact
Invested into Native Communities
Awarded since 1989
Give back to their communities
How Your Donations are Used
Management and General
Scholarships, Programs, and Public Education
A Commitment to Donors
Best Charity
Certified by America’s best charities
Charity Navigator
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BBB Wise Giving Alliance
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Tribal Colleges and Universities
Tribal colleges and universities provide dynamic higher education opportunities, most on or near reservation lands. Known for their remarkable programs, culturally-relevant curricula, and familial student care – tribal colleges allow students to further their careers, attain an advanced degree, or better support their communities.
Recent Blog Posts
From Our President
Press Release
American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date
The American Indian College Fund (College Fund) awarded its largest Full Circle scholarship cohort ever, with nearly 2,000 Native students receiving awards. The Full Circle Scholarship Program is open to any Native American U.S. citizen who is an enrolled member or descendant of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe. Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and plan to enroll as a full-time student at a nonprofit, accredited college or university.
Still Time to Apply for Federal Financial Aid!
There is still time this summer to submit your application for federal financial aid. Students can receive up to $7,395 for their education per year through the Pell Grant program! Combining scholarships and federal financial aid makes good economic sense. Don’t leave...
Making an Impact: The Importance of High School Equivalency Programming
The College Fund’s Native Students Stepping Forward: Dollar General Adult Education Program supports underserved Native students to prepare for and obtain high school equivalency (HSE) credentials. This program addresses a critical gap in the education pathway that allows more individuals the chance to pursue post-secondary education and meaningful careers.
Featured News
Century of Citizenship
American Indian and Alaska Native communities have achieved a great deal in the past century. Here at the American Indian College Fund, we look forward to what successes the future will bring as we encourage Native students, scholars, and communities alike to use the tools of citizenship to make their voices heard and their peoples prosper.
Honoring Native Voices, Cultures, Histories, and Ancestors on International Museum Day
Did you know there are federal laws regarding what museums can keep in their collections when it comes to Native peoples? The American Indian College Fund believes elevating the visibility of contemporary Native artists and their voices is integral to telling our stories. It is just as important for Native people to be represented respectfully and accurately through the arts in museums and other institutions.
Student News
Still Time to Apply for Federal Financial Aid!
There is still time this...
Veteran Student Uses Fellowship to Lead Mental Health Awareness Efforts
"Leadership is the capacity to...
Native Student Veteran Works to Prevent Diabetes in Her Community
By Cynthia Jean Jones Yaateeh....
News from our Progams Team
College Fund Programs Team
Making an Impact: The Importance of High School Equivalency Programming
The College Fund’s Native Students Stepping Forward: Dollar General Adult Education Program supports underserved Native students to prepare for and obtain high school equivalency (HSE) credentials. This program addresses a critical gap in the education pathway that allows more individuals the chance to pursue post-secondary education and meaningful careers.