Student Development

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Study Skills

No matter what your grades are, everyone needs some guidance to find success in the classroom. Here are some resources to help you develop the best study habits and skills you’ll need to get your degree:

What are Office Hours? – by Andrew Ishak

Time Management: TCU Video Project Series

Focus 2 Self-Assessment

Many people struggle with choosing an academic major during school, or job industry after graduation, but choosing a path is important when choosing your classes, internships and other career opportunities.

Focus 2 combines self-assessment, career and major exploration, decision-making and planning in one place. By matching your assessment results to career options and majors/programs for your consideration, FOCUS 2 guides you through a career and education decision-making model to help you make informed career decisions and take action in planning your future.

To use this free service, register to create an account with the access code collegefund. From there, you can take each test- personality, interests, values, and skills- to build your academic and career planning profile. Print your profile to share with an academic or career counselor or mentor to discuss your career plan or transition to a new profession.

Money Management

It is also important to understand budgeting, credit, and debt management – to help you to make responsible decisions in school, and prepare for your financial life after school. Learn about the following topics in related posts — your financial future depends on it.

Student Ambassador Program

The American Indian College Fund Ambassador Program was established in 2015 to strengthen students’ and alumni personal and professional skills and to represent the College Fund.

Our Blogs

Revitalizing Porcupine Quilling Art on the Fort Peck Reservation

Revitalizing Porcupine Quilling Art on the Fort Peck Reservation

A blog post by LaVerne White Bear, an enrolled member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine (Wadopana Band) Sioux (Pabaksa Dakota) and a descendant of the Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nations of North Dakota. LaVerne represents Fort Peck Community College, and teaches traditional Dakota quillwork.

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Circle of Hope Winter 2025

| Winter 2025 |Circle of HopeWhy Diversity MattersGreetings, my dear friends and relatives,I want to start by expressing my deep thanks to each of you for reaching out to me, and others across the College Fund team, to share your concerns for us, as well as reminding...

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Rural America Loses If We Lose Tribal Colleges

Rural America Loses If We Lose Tribal Colleges

Cheryl Crazy Bull warns that federal funding cuts threaten Tribal Colleges and Universities, which provide affordable, community-focused education for Native and rural students. She highlights their impact on workforce development, economic growth, and student success, urging continued investment to secure their future.

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Tribal Organizations Urge Administration to Respect Tribal Sovereignty and Uphold Trust and Treaty Obligations Amid Executive Actions

A coalition of Tribal organizations, representing Tribal Nations and their citizens and communities, is calling on the Administration to ensure that recent executive actions do not undermine the unique sovereign political status of Tribal Nations as sovereign nations with which the federal government has trust and treaty obligations, or disrupt federal funding that flows from those relationships for essential Tribal programs.

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What Matters In This Moment

What Matters In This Moment

In this heartfelt message, President Cheryl Crazy Bull of the American Indian College Fund expresses gratitude for the support of Native students while addressing the growing challenges to diversity, education access, and democratic values. She reaffirms the College Fund’s commitment to ensuring Native students have the resources to succeed, despite funding losses, and emphasizes the importance of community, inclusion, and the power of education to shape a stronger future.

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Our Thoughts Go Out to Los Angeles

Our Thoughts Go Out to Los Angeles

Los Angeles and the surrounding area are home to many American Indian college students and their families. The city and Southern California itself have been the traditional home to many area tribes and became home to many Native families who moved there during the Relocation Era. The American Indian College Fund is closely monitoring the impact of the fires on our scholars and Native communities in Southern California to provide support, and our thoughts are with everyone impacted by the fires.

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