Application Tips

Strengthen Your Scholarship Application

Explore these tips to learn how to strengthen your scholarship application.



Complete the Application in 3 Steps

Once you set-up your profile in our application system, you will have to complete 5 steps BEFORE you can submit your scholarship application for consideration by the College Fund:

· Scholarship Application

· Extracurricular Activities

· Honors and Distinctions

In the first step, Scholarship Application, you will provide academic information such as your grade point average (GPA), school, major, and more. This is the section where you will answer the reflection questions, which are important for your overall application score.

While you work on the Scholarship Application step, you can save your work as a “draft.” When you have completed the Scholarship Application step and proof-read all your responses, you will click “mark as complete,” and then return to the application dashboard to complete the remaining steps.

In the remaining steps, you will add information about yourself, such as activities you participate in and any awards or distinctions you have received.

In the Extracurricular Activities and Honors & Distinctions steps, you will click on the green “+New Item” button to add a new entry. Under these sections, add as many new items as you like. You must add at least one item in each step. You can save individual entries as “draft.” Please note that the application will not let you submit if you have any entries saved as “drafts” when you go to submit. If you make a mistake, entries can be deleted using the “delete” button. When you are done with all your entries in either step, click the white “close” button at the top right, and that will take you back to your application dashboard.

The last section, Resume, is optional – but we encourage you to complete it if you are interested in internships or career development opportunities.

Once you complete each of these steps and have reviewed all of your responses, you can return to the application dashboard and click the green “Submit Application” button. The green submit button will only be highlighted and clickable if you have completed all the application steps. You must click on the green “Submit Application” button to have your application reviewed by the College Fund and to be considered for scholarships.

*** Warning – you will not be able to change your application once it has been submitted! ***

We are here to support your success. Please email us at, or give us a call at 1-800-987-3863 from 8am to 4:30pm (MST), Monday through Friday, if you need assistance with your application.

Reflection Questions

The Scholarship application has three reflection questions that resemble mini essays.
These questions give you a chance to share your story. The reflection questions prompt you to discuss three subjects: an obstacle that you have overcome to get to where you are now; your educational goals and how this scholarship will help you achieve them; and how your education will help the Native community.

We recommend that you type out your responses to the reflection questions in a Word document or similar text editor. This way you can edit freely and utilize spellcheck or grammar check functions.

To enhance your responses, start by creating an outline of your thoughts and initial answers to each question. The outline does not need to be exhaustive, but it will allow you to start organizing your thoughts about the questions. You will need to choose your words carefully, as there is a limit of 300 words per question. It is very important that you think deeply about the questions and provide a thorough responses. As always, don’t forget to check your grammar and spelling!

For scoring, the reflection questions count heavily compared to other sections of the application. A high scoring essay will be clear, complete, and compelling. Thoroughly answer each question with the details of your unique story in a way that will engage reviewers. Pay attention to the help text below each question text box for additional guidance.

Formatting & Editing

These tips for formatting, editing, and proofreading make sure your application is PREPPED for excellence. You can apply these tips throughout your application.

Start with the basics:

  • Creating descriptive and appropriate responses
  • Writing in complete sentences
  • Ensuring that answers flow cohesively
  • Using correct grammar

In your Reflection Questions, Extracurricular Activity entries, and Honors & Distinction entries, use full sentences that allow your personality and passions to come forward. For example, if your educational goal is to complete a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and teach on your reservation, it is recommended that you respond with a full sentence like the one below:

It is my dream to complete my bachelor’s degree in early childhood education in order to teach the next generation of leaders on my reservation. I believe that foundational life skills can be taught at a young age, and I want to be a part of empowering these learners through my degree.

Do not answer the reflection questions with bullet points or fragments. It is not recommended to format your answer like this:

  • Educational Goals: B.A. in early childhood education, plan to teach on the reservation.

If you need help editing, just remember PREPPED.

PREPPED stands for Prepare, Readability, Every Question, Punctuation and Grammar, Passion, Examples, and Double Take. Here’s how to be PREPPED on your application:

  • Prepare: Gather necessary information prior to starting the application. Prepare your response by thinking critically about the questions and creating outlines when appropriate.
  • Readability: Do your answers flow? Are the sentences and thoughts laid out in a cohesive way that leads the reader through your answer from start to finish? Are there any parts that sound awkward or out-of-place?
  • Every Question: Did your answer completely address a every part of the question?
  • Punctuation and Grammar: Is your grammar correct? Did you place commas in the correct spots? Do your possessive nouns include the apostrophe properly? Have you used the correct form of commonly misused words, such as they, they’re, their, and affect or effect?
  • Passion: Read over your words and ask yourself if your passions are evident in your writing. Are you writing something because you think it is what the readers want to hear or are you genuinely passionate about your goals and dreams?
  • Examples: Did you provide specific examples to better explain your statements? Are these examples relevant to the question and the point you are trying to make?
  • Double Take: Once you have gone through the finer details of editing and proofreading, ask a friend, instructor, tutor, or family member to read through your responses. Ask them to use the PREPPED checklist. After they have read them over and provided feedback, edit your answers once more to reflect any changes. Then go through this checklist one last time.

Congratulations! You are now PREPPED and your application responses are ready for submission!

    Application Photos

    The American Indian College Fund may use your application photo in donor reports, direct mail appeals, and marketing opportunities. Students will need to upload a photograph in their application each year.

    Try to focus on the following things when selecting a photo for your application:

    • Your photo or headshot should feature you above all else
    • Your face should be clearly visible (avoid ball caps, sunglasses, or heavily pixilated or dark images)
    • Headshots are preferred but full-length photographs are acceptable
    • Traditional regalia is encouraged but not required
    • Please have someone else take the photo and avoid selfies
    • Consider the lighting. It is better to have light in front of you than behind you
    • Don’t forget to SMILE!

    Proving Descent

    For students who are not enrolled tribal members themselves but are able to prove that their parents or grandparents have tribal enrollment, the following is very important.

    The graphic below illustrates an excellent example of how to prove descent through a paper trail:

    Examples of tribal documents may include:
    – Official letter from the tribe stating the enrollment status of the parent and/or grandparent;
    – A copy of the Tribal ID card;
    – CIB (Certificate of Indian Blood)

    Enrolling in Your Tribe

    Each tribe has their own unique requirements and process for becoming an enrolled member. The best first step is to reach out to your tribal government to learn more. If you need help contacting your tribe, visit the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) website at to learn more.

    As each process is unique, and tribes of differing sizes and administration have varying capacities to handle enrollment requests, you shouldn’t assume that your request will be processed quickly. Many smaller tribes with limited staff are completely unavailable to complete this work due to seasonal subsistence activities and other cultural practices.

    Extracurricular Activities

    Extracurriculars are any activities that you do outside of your required schoolwork. This includes, but is not limited to, traditional and cultural activities, clubs, sports, volunteering, work/employment, faith-based activities, community-based activities, and hobbies.

    Extracurricular activities set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of receiving a scholarship. For these reasons, we encourage you to add a complete history of your extracurricular involvement.

    Don’t be discouraged if you do not have time for sports or a dozen bake sales. The American Indian College Fund encourages you to think outside the box when it comes to your time spent away from school work. Many of our students are nontraditional students, returning to school later in life when they have full-time jobs and families. For this reason, employment and family duties can be Extracurricular Activity entries on your scholarship application. More entry types are:

    • Volunteer and/or service-related activities
    • Athletics
    • Student Government
    • Academic and Professional Organizations
    • Multicultural Activities
    • Employment
    • Work Study
    • Family-related activities

    Updating Your Profile & Application

    Applicants can view their profile and scholarship application whenever they wish. Students will be able to update their profile as needed. However, the scholarship application cannot be edited once it is submitted.

    Profile – It’s important to keep your profile information up to date in our system. If your contact information changes, it is your responsibility to update your email and phone number with us. This is important, as we will notify students of awards, opportunities, and next steps via email.

    Full Circle Scoring Insights

    What happens to my application when I submit it? How will my application be scored?

    When you click “submit,” your application is stored securely in the online application system until scoring begins. Students who submit their application between February 1 and May 31 will have their application scored by the end of July.

    Applications are scored by independent reviewers who have experience in Native higher education. Each application submitted between February 1 and May 31 will receive three scores by three separate reviewers. We then take the average of those three scores to assign the application its final score. American Indian College Fund staff members do not score the applications.

    For scoring consistency across the applications, all readers use a rubric system to determine how many points to allocate for various portions of the scholarship application. Higher scores are more likely to receive a scholarship. As a merit-based scholarship program, the rubric scores applications based on thoughtful responses and a student’s ability to demonstrate merit. The reflection questions are the highest scoring portion of the application. There is also a preference for students attending tribal colleges and alumni of tribal colleges.

    Typically, scholarship awards are determined by the end of July. You can log in to your online application profile at any time to see if you have received an award. If the word “pending” appears beside the application, that means your application is still under review, so keep checking back!

    We hope this has been helpful in outlining how scholarship applications are scored. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email or at 800-987-3863.

    If you have additional questions about applying for scholarships, be sure to read through our Frequently Asked Questions.

    News & Events

    American Indian College Fund Publishes Tribal College and University Research Journal Volume 7

    American Indian College Fund Publishes Tribal College and University Research Journal Volume 7

    Focus is Student Support, Academic Outcomes and Diné Educational Philosophy

    Denver, Colo., July 16, 2024 —The American Indian College Fund has published Volume 7 of the Tribal College and University Research Journal (TCURJ) featuring articles on a culturally responsive student support model, teachers’ awareness of systemic factors impeding student academic outcomes, and the Diné educational philosophy. The journal is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary academic publication featuring the research and best practices of tribal college and university faculty and their collaborators.

    The College Fund launched the TCURJ in 2016 to support tribal college and university (TCU) faculty in disseminating their research to Indigenous communities and the wider research community. The journal publishes articles from a variety of fields such as environmental science, Indigenous health and wellness, student success, and TCU program development. The Henry Luce Foundation has generously supported publication of the journal since 2018.

    All volumes of the TCURJ can be found at

    About the American Indian College Fund — The American Indian College Fund has been the nation’s largest charity supporting Native higher education for 34 years. The College Fund believes “Education is the answer” and provided $17.4 million in scholarships and other direct student support to American Indian students in 2022-23. Since its founding in 1989 the College Fund has provided more than $319 million in scholarships, programs, community, and tribal college support. The College Fund also supports a variety of academic and support programs at the nation’s 34 accredited tribal colleges and universities, which are located on or near Indian reservations, ensuring students have the tools to graduate and succeed in their careers. The College Fund consistently receives top ratings from independent charity evaluators and is one of the nation’s top 100 charities named to the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance. For more information about the American Indian College Fund, please visit

    Journalists — The American Indian College Fund does not use the acronym AICF. On second reference, please use the College Fund

    Still Time to Apply for Federal Financial Aid!

    There is still time this summer to submit your application for federal financial aid. Students can receive up to $7,395 for their education per year through the Pell Grant program! Combining scholarships and federal financial aid makes good economic sense. Don’t leave money on the table. For more information and to apply, visit

    Veteran Student Uses Fellowship to Lead Mental Health Awareness Efforts

    “Leadership is the capacity to translate a vision into reality — Warren Bennis

    By Tori Primeaux

    On October 30, 2023, I heard about an opportunity through the American Indian College Fund for a fellowship for Native students who are veterans to grow as leaders as they adapt to higher education after military life. The fellowship offered mentorship and training opportunities, as well as resources and tools to strengthen their visions. I was selected with fellow veteran Cynthia Jones to participate, and in November of 2023 began to plan how I would implement my vision of becoming a mental health leader in my community.

    Cynthia and I, along with our peer mentor, Kameia, were invited to attend a Women’s Leadership Program and Native Veterans Student Convening in February 2024.There we received information to help me gain a better understanding of how to step into my leadership role. It was astonishing to meet other women who held higher positions in their careers making executive decisions. Those interactions helped to boost my confidence and to allow me to be decisive as I accepted my leadership role. I also realized that Indigenous individuals can fill higher positions The stories other women at the conference shared of building their careers from the ground up influenced me as well. All of these things opened my mind to how I wanted to begin my own leadership journey and incorporate all that I had learned from this experience.

    Back home, we met every week from March 15 until April 15 to discuss our plans and how to implement them. I wanted to prioritize mental health and raise awareness of the importance of seeking help, stress management, meditation, and prayer. As a college student who lives on a reservation, I know how mental health is overlooked 80% of the time. Stress is the number one factor that contributes to poor mental health in students with tests, exams, due dates, and other projects alongside maintaining physical health. The reservation is isolated and there are not enough resources there to help Native Americans. It is not easy to attend a gym like one would in a city. There are limited resources, and this is often when drugs are abused to fulfill the urge to be engaged in an activity.

    As we continued to plan our event, we gathered information about how to engage with students on campus who deal with this issue. I wanted students to be engaged and want to be involved in gaining a better understanding of how to self-regulate and exercise for their well-being. On April 29, I created a presentation on mental health, sharing facts, such as how to receive help, along with how to spot friends and family who need help but may not know how to ask for it. I asked questions, involved the students, and explained my personal experience to gain trust. I explained how to get help in our community and on campus. I also led a group exercise, and those who participated received gifts and prizes. It was a day that allowed students to be involved and gain recognition for competing in an activity they can continue to use that is not expensive, doesn’t require a car, and costs nothing and can help release negative thoughts. It was a fun day for them to be exposed to tools and valuable information about mental health and to help them understand that mental health is just as important as any other health concern.

    Through this opportunity I gained a better understanding of how I will use my degree to help my community and be a voice for those who need help. I learned that to understand a situation you must first put yourself in the position to know what needs to be done. I want to make more resources available and be involved.

    As a veteran, I have served my country, and now, I see it as only fair that I serve my community on the reservation. I have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding to take on this role that I now know I can fulfill. The conference sparked a fire in me that I know will soon become a flame that will create a bigger fire within everyone I help. This has been an amazing experience, and I cannot wait to set forth with my commitment.