A Cold Winter

Jan 31, 2011 | Archives, Blog

Winter is hard on everyone. Travel is difficult if not dangerous, and the colder temps in a northern climate make it hard to stay warm.

American Indian students have a difficult time–with soaring gas prices and long commutes across dangerous roads, getting to school takes determination and strength. Yet our students do continue on, despite the financial and other hardships, slogging through the winter, sharing rides to cut costs, and more because they are committed to getting an education.

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell our students that we are proud of them and their determination. We salute their endurance. The end is in sight and you can and will earn a college degree. Your ancestors that came before you endured incredible hardships so that our people might survive, and you are following in their footsteps and making them proud.

At the American Indian College Fund we are proud of you. And I am proud of you.

–Richard B. Williams, Oglala Lakota/Northern Cheyenne, President and CEO, American Indian College Fund

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