Passion for Our People and Business Principles Make Successful Partnership

Sep 25, 2012 | Archives, Blog


Bruce DeBoskey, a Colorado-based philanthropic adviser for the DeBoskey Group, noted in a recent article in The Denver Post that although the trend in philanthropy has been to make it become more strategic and effective. The Fund has rigorously employed systems to help our donors to transparently see how we invest their dollars in our communities, and how those dollars help our students, tribal colleges, and our Native communities.

DeBoskey, however, says business and scientific methodologies to measure outcomes alone are not enough. He says people give–and causes are founded–because of the emotional component of philanthropy–in short, because they like helping others and derive satisfaction from that. The do so because of the compassion they have for others and their desire to alleviate suffering; respect for the people or causes they wish to help (rather than imposing their will on a cause); trust in the goodwill of others (and the ability of the donee to wisely use their gift); passion for their cause of choice; and integrity–incorporating virtue, honesty and sincerity into giving.

The Fund employees sound accounting and auditing principles so that our donors have the metrics they need to see how together we are improving the lives of others. But that isn’t enough. Without our shared compassion, passion, respect, trust, and integrity, the American Indian College Fund would not be where it is today. So thank you for sharing so much of yourself with our communities, and sharing our passion for Native education and changing Indian Country–one person at a time!

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