Elevate Your Voice, Register to Vote! 

Jun 2, 2022 | Advocacy, Blog, Featured Post, President's Blog

voting voter vote i voted stickers

June 2, 1924: Anniversary of Day Native Americans Became U.S. Citizens 

By Cheryl Crazy Bull 

CherylCrazyBull_SummerEnl_2021Today Indigenous people nationwide commemorate June 2, 1924, as the day when Native people became official citizens of the United States. To mark the occasion, I urge everyone in our communities to register to vote! 

Voting is one of the most sacred rights of citizenship, and Native communities are impacted most by federal law. By making our voices heard in elections (and this year marks the federal mid-term elections, which heavily impact Native communities), we all can have a say in how our communities are run—from laws impacting Pell grants, school aid, health care, and infrastructure, and much more. 

Our communities determined the last presidential election, proving Native people’s voices matter at the polls. To make the process easy, we created the following chart. Just find your state, see the registration deadline, and click the included link to register online. Don’t delay—register to vote today! 



Register to Vote 

Voter Registration Deadlines  Election Day Registration  Absentee Ballot Application Deadline  Voted Absentee Ballot Due 


register to vote  October 24, 2022 

In Person/Online: 15 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day. 



Voters can only vote absentee/by mail in Alabama with an approved excuse  

In Person: Received 5 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Received 7 days before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: received 1 day before Election Day.  

By mail: received by 12pm on Election Day. 




register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person/Online: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 29, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 10 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: by Election Day and received 10 days after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 10, 2022 

In Person/Online: 29 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 28, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received by 5 pm 11 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 7pm MST Election Day. 


register to vote  October 9, 2022 

In Person: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

N/A   November 1, 2022 

By Mail: Received 7days before Election Day. 

In Person: Received the Friday before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: received 1 day before Election Day.  

By mail: received by 7:30 pm Election Day. 



register to vote 


October 24, 2022 

In Person/Online: 15 days before Election Day.  

By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day. 

Conditionally register to vote and cast a provisional ballot on Election Day. Provisional ballot counted upon verification of your voter registration.  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail. 


Postmarked: by election Day and received within 7 days after Election Day. 

Hand-delivered: by 8pm PST Election Day. 



register to vote 


October 31, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 8 days before Election Day. 

Online: 8 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail.  Received: by 7pm MST Election Day. 


register to vote 


November 1, 2022 

In Person/Online: 7 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 7 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day. 


November 7, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 1 day before Election Day. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

If in-person: received 1 day before Election Day.  

If by mail: received by mail or select designee  on Election Day. 



register to vote 


October 15, 2022 

In Person/Online: 24 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 24 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 4, 2022 

In Person: Before 12 pm 1 day before Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 4 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm EST Election Day. 
District of Columbia 


register to vote  October 18, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 21 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day, need proof of residency.  October 24, 2022 

By Mail/Online: 15 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: by Election Day and received no later than 10 days after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 11, 2022 

In Person/Online: 28 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 29, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received by 5 pm 10 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 7pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 10, 2022 

In Person/Online: 29 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day. 




October 28, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 11 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 7pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote  October 29, 2022 

In Person: 10 days before Election Day. You can also register to vote during early voting or on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 10 days before Election Day. 

Online: 10 days before Election Day. 

Register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time during early voting at early walk-in locations from Oct. 25-Nov. 5, 2022.   Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail  Received: by 7pm on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 14, 2022 

In Person: 25 days before Election Day. You can also show proof of residence to register at the polls on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day. 

Online: 25 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  October 28, 2022 

In Person: Received by 5 pm the Friday before Election Day 

By Mail/Online: Received by 5pm 11 days before Election Day. 

Received:  by 8pm MST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 14, 2022 

In Person: 25 days before Election Day . You can also register to vote on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day. 

Online: 16 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  November 3, 2022 

In Person: Received 1 day before Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 5 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: by Election Day and received by 14 days after Election Day. 


register to vote  October 10, 2022 

In Person/Online: 29 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day. 



October 27, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 12 days before  Election Day. 

Received:  by 6pm  on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 24, 2022 

In Person: 15 days before Election Day. You can also register to vote on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day. 

Online: 15 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  October 24, 2022 

In Person: Received 1 day before Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 15 days before Election Day. 

Received:  by 8pm CST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person/Online: 21 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 7 days before Election Day. 


Postmarked: by Election Day and received by 3 days after Election Day 


register to vote 


October 11, 2022 

In Person/Online: 29 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 29 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 25, 2022 

Online Only: Received by 11:59 pm 14 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 6pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 8, 2022 

In Person: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

Online: 20 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 4, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received by 4:30pm 4 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 4:30pm CST 1 day before Election Day.  


register to vote  October 18, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail: Received 21 business days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  November 4, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 3 business days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm EST Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person/Online: 21 days before Election Day. You can also register to vote on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person during early voting and on Election Day.  November 1, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: 7 days before Election Day. 


Postmarked: on or before Election Day and received  by 10am EST, 10 days after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 19, 2022 

In Person/Online: 20 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 20 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 3, 2022 

In Person: Received by 12pm, 1 day before Election Day.  

By Mail: Received 4 business days before Election Day.  

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 8pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 24, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. If you register in person within 15 days of Election Day, bring proof of residency. 

By Mail: Postmarked 15 days before Election Day. 

Online: 15 days before Election Day 

Can register to vote in-person during early voting and on Election Day. 




November 4, 2022 

In Person: Received by 4pm 1 day before Election Day (if already registered); received before 8pm on Election Day (if new/updated registrant). 

By Mail/Online: Received 4 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 21 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote during the in-person absentee voting period and in-person on Election Day.  November 7, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 1 day before Election Day. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: received by 3pm CST on Election Day. 

If by mail: received by 8pm CST on Election Day. 



register to vote 


October 8, 2022 

In Person: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

N/A  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: No specific deadline. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

If in person: received by 12pm 3 days before Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked by Election Day and received within 5 days after Election Day. 




register to vote 


October 12, 2022 

In Person/Online: 27 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 27 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 26, 2022 

In Person: Received by 5pm on the day before Election Day. 

By Mail: Received by 5 pm on the second Wednesday before Election Day.  


Received: by 7pm CST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person: 12pm the day before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day and received 27 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

N/A   November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received by 12pm the day before Election Day. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm MST on Election Day.   


register to vote 


October 21, 2022 

In Person: 11 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 18 days before Election Day. 

Online: 18 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 28, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 11 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 8pm on Election Day.   


register to vote 


October 11, 2022 

In Person: 28 days before Election Day. Election Day. You can also register to vote on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day. 

Online: 5 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail.  Postmarked: by Election Day and received within 4 days. Can also hand-deliver by 7pm on Election Day. . 
New Hampshire 


register to vote 


Deadline Varies by Locality  

In Person: Election Day 

By Mail: Received between 6 and 13 days before Election Day, depending on which town you live in. 

Online: N/A 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: No specific deadline. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 5pm EST on Election Day.   
New Jersey 


register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person/Online: 21 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 1, 2022 

In Person: Received by 3pm the day before Election Day. 

By Mail: Received 7 days before Election Day. 

If in person: received by 8pm EST Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked by  Election Day and received 144 hours after polls close.  

New Mexico 


register to vote 


October 11, 2022 

In Person: 28 days before Election Day. Election Day. You can also register to vote on Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day. 

Online: 28 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day, must bring valid ID or other proof of residency .  November 3, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 4 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 7pm MST on Election Day.  . 
New York  register to vote 


October 14, 2022 

In Person/Online: 25 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day and received no later than 20 days before Election Day. 

N/A  October 24, 2022 

In Person: Received 1 day before Election Day 

By Mail/Online: Received 15 days before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: by 9pm EST on Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked by Election Day and received within 7 days. 

North Carolina 


register to vote 


October 14, 2022 

In Person: 25 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day and received 20 days before Election Day. 

Online: 25 days before Election Day 

Can register to vote in-person during early voting, up to 3 days prior to Election Day, must bring valid ID  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received by 5pm 7 days before Election Day 


If in person: by 5pm EST on Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked by Election Day. 



North Dakota 


find my polling place 


No Registration 

Bring a valid proof of ID and residency to the polls in order to vote. 


Bring valid proof of ID and residency to the polls in order to vote.  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: No specific deadline. 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: 1 day before Election Day 


register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person/Online: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Received 30 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 5, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received by 12pm, 3 days before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: by 7:30pm EST on Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked 1 day before Election Day and received within 10 days.  



register to vote 


October 14, 2022 

In Person: 25 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 25 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 




October 24, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received by 5 pm on the third Monday preceding Election Day. 

If hand-delivered:  received by 5pm the day before Election Day. 

If mailed: received by 7pm on Election Day. 

Oregon  register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person/Online: 21 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day. 

N/A  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail.  Postmarked: by Election Day and received by 7 days after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 24, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 15 days before Election Day. 



November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 7 days before Election Day. 

Received:  by 8pm EST on Election Day. 
Rhode Island 


register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person/Online: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

For presidential elections only, you may register in person on Election Day at your local Board of Canvassers.  October 18, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received by 4pm, 21 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm EST on Election Day. 
South Carolina 


register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person/Online: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 



November 4, 2022 

In Person: Received by 5 pm one day before Election Day. 

By Mail: Received by 5pm, 4 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 7pm EST on Election Day. 
South Dakota 


register to vote 


October 24, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 15 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

N/A  November 7, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: 1 day before Election Day,  

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

Received:  by 7pm on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 9, 2022 

In Person/Online : 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 7 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm EST on Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 11, 2022 

In Person: 30 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 30 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

N/A  October 28, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: 11 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: by Election Day and received by 5pm the day after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 28, 2022 

In Person: 11 days before Election Day. You can also register at the polls on Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 11 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote, and vote on election day or during the early voting period by provisional ballot.  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail.  If hand-delivered: by 8pm MST on Election Day.  

If by mail: postmarked 1 day before Election Day.  



register to vote 


November 8, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received by Election Day; however, your application may not be processed, and your name may not appear on the checklist and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  November 7, 2022 

In Person/By Mail/Online: Received 1 day before Election Day, 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

If hand-delivered: received by 7pm EST on Election Day. 

If by mail: received the day before Election Day.  



register to vote 


October 17, 2022 

In Person/Online: 22 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 22 days before Election Day. 



October 28, 2022 

In Person: Received 3 days before Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 11 days before Election Day. 

Postmarked: by Election Day and received by noon 3 days after Election Day. 


register to vote 


October 31, 2022 

In Person: Election Day. 

By Mail/Online: Received 8 days before Election Day. 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day.  Automatic – all registered voters receive their ballot in the mail.  Postmarked: by Election Day. 
West Virginia 


register to vote 


October 18, 2022 

In Person/Online: 21 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 21 days before Election Day. 

N/A  November 2, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: Received 6 days before Election Day. 


If hand-delivered: received the day before Election Day. 

If by mail: postmarked by Election Day and received by 5 days after Election Day.  



register to vote 


October 19, 2022 

In Person: 4 days before Election Day. 

By Mail: Postmarked 20 days before Election Day. 

Online: 20 days before Election Day 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day with valid ID and proof of residency.  November 3, 2022 

In Person 

By Mail/Online: Received 5 days before Election Day. 


Received: by 8pm CST on Election Day. 


register to vote  October 25, 2022 

In Person: 14 days before Election Day. You can also register at the polls on Election Day. 

By Mail: Received 14 days before Election Day. 

Online: N/A 

Can register to vote in-person on Election Day  November 1, 2022 

In Person/By Mail: 1 day before Election Day, 

Recommend requesting your ballot at least 7 days before Election Day. 

Received: by 7pm MST on Election Day. 


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