Fall Frenzy

Oct 3, 2007 | Archives, Blog

Fall is harvest time, and here at the Fund, we have been busy working to bring in funding for scholarships, build corporate support for our programs, and build awareness about the importance of education in Indian country. In a way, we are harvesting our relationships… and to take the analogy of harvest and growth a bit further, planting bulbs that will blossom in the spring when it comes to creating new relationships.

I have spent much of my time these past six weeks visiting tribal colleges across the country to learn about their needs. As I travel, I have the opportunity to meet our students, from the young to the old. As I hear these students’ stories of struggle and determination for an education to build a better life, I always come away from my travels humbled with the task that I have been given, and awed at how the American Indian College Fund creates hope for all ages in our community.

Recent Blog Posts

American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date 

American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date 

The American Indian College Fund (College Fund) awarded its largest Full Circle scholarship cohort ever, with nearly 2,000 Native students receiving awards. The Full Circle Scholarship Program is open to any Native American U.S. citizen who is an enrolled member or descendant of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe. Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and plan to enroll as a full-time student at a nonprofit, accredited college or university.