Welcome Ilisagvik College!

Feb 1, 2008 | Archives, Blog

It was 27 below zero degrees Fahrenheit in Barrow, Alaska, and there were five hours of sun yesterday. But don’t let the winter weather fool you into thinking that nothing much is going on in Barrow! Ilisagvik College is the newest tribal college in the consortium. Ilisagvik College has been around for quite some time, but only recently joined AIHEC. They will receive scholarships in the fall and are eligible for Lilly funds and Mellon opportunities. Welcome to our Alaskan Native friends!

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American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date 

American Indian College Fund Supports Largest Full Circle Scholarship Cohort to Date 

The American Indian College Fund (College Fund) awarded its largest Full Circle scholarship cohort ever, with nearly 2,000 Native students receiving awards. The Full Circle Scholarship Program is open to any Native American U.S. citizen who is an enrolled member or descendant of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe. Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and plan to enroll as a full-time student at a nonprofit, accredited college or university.