The American Indian College Fund’s Dollar General American Indian and Alaska Native Literacy and Adult Education Program helps students in pursuit of a GED or high school equivalency by supporting the TCU staff and programming that gets them there. There are always opportunities in this program to connect staff across TCUs to share their respective expertise, and one such opportunity came together as a webinar.
In August 2020, the College Fund and its Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) partners of the Dollar General GED/HSE program hosted an informational training webinar for GED program staff at TCUs. Mechelle Crazy Thunder and James Snyder of SIPI presented on their experience with electronic TABE, the test for adult basic education that serves as an assessment for students enrolling in a TCU’s GED/HSE program. The webinar was a successful learning opportunity for attendees and was recorded to be used as a resource.