Join the New #DoublePellCampaign: Let’s Double Pell NOW!

Jul 16, 2021 | Blog, Featured Post

Today, the American Indian College Fund joins higher education organizations in launching the 2022 #DoublePellCampaign!

Please help the College Fund urge President Biden and Congress to double the maximum Pell Grant award to $13,000 per academic year NOW. We are calling all students; College Fund supporters; TCU faculty, staff, and governing boards to join this nationwide effort.

Check out these five ways you can help!

  • Show your support on social media. Use the social media graphics on the TakeAction page to share the #DoublePell campaign messages.
  • Write a letter! Visit the Take Action page and download and complete the customizable letter and send it by email or snail mail to your members of Congress. Students and alumni can share personal stories of how Pell grants helped you personally.
  • Students and alumni, share your story on the TakeAction page.
  • Share the campaign with others! Let your friends, family, campus, and community know about the campaign on newsletters, emails, and more, urging everyone who cares about higher education to join the effort!
  • Use the fact sheets and other resources on the TakeAction page for your own advocacy with members of your congressional delegation

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