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Recent Blog Posts

Highlighting Indigenous Innovation on Indigenous Peoples Day 

Highlighting Indigenous Innovation on Indigenous Peoples Day 

This Monday, October 14, marks Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to honor and celebrate the histories and cultures of Native peoples here in the United States. As of last Indigenous Peoples Day in 2023, approximately 195 cities and states recognized the holiday. Here at the American Indian College Fund, we want to take this day to highlight some of the amazing contributions Indigenous peoples have made to the world and share a preview of our upcoming Native American Heritage Month activities. 

American Indian College Fund Launches Virtual Learning Series to Tribal College Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Students

American Indian College Fund Launches Virtual Learning Series to Tribal College Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Students

Two of the American Indian College Fund’s (College Fund) programs are collaborating to launch a new virtual learning series for early childhood educators as well as elementary and secondary educators in Indigenous communities.