Month: December 2013 Blogs

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American Indian College Fund Named a Finalist for Family Engagement Investment

American Indian College Fund Named a Finalist for Family Engagement Investment

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) announced that the American Indian College Fund (The Fund) is part of a group of 45 innovative organizations from across the country will compete for possible funding of up to $500,000 for one to three years to implement effective family engagement models in early childhood education.

American Indian College Fund Named in Better Business Bureau Advertisement

American Indian College Fund Named in Better Business Bureau Advertisement

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) named the American Indian College Fund, along with several other charities they selected for its prestigious Wise Giving Alliance (WGA), in a full-page ad in USA Today. The BBB awards a WGA Charity Seal to preferred charities to help people choose charities who are wise stewards of donations.