The American Indian College Fund (the College Fund), a national Native education non-profit, today announced that Comcast and NBCUniversal is partnering with them to further the cause of Native American higher education with a donation of $5 million of advertising for its 2015 public service announcement (PSA) on its cable system and an additional gift of $500,000 of in-kind services and cash.
Month: October 2014 Blogs

Hope STEMS, Native American Students Blossom
A hardscrabble childhood didn’t “harden” Erika Torres-Hernandez, but it did sharpen the Chippewa-Cree tribe member’s resolve to achieve her goals and give back. A recipient of a Toyota Tribal College Scholarship, Torres-Hernandez studies math at a tribal college in Rocky Boy, Mont. Once the 3.7-GPA student earns her four-year degree from a university, she plans to return to the reservation to teach high school.
Ford Motor Company Fund Awards $60,000 to American Indian College Fund
Ten Tribal College and University (TCU) Scholarships of $3,000 per academic year and five mainstream scholarships of $3,000 per academic year will be awarded under the program. Eight TCU students must be studying science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) or business fields.