In Montana

Sep 9, 2008 | Archives, Blog

I am writing from Montana, where I am with several friends of the Fund on a Journey for the Mind and Spirit. These journeys take our supporters to Indian country, where they visit American Indian communities and see first-hand the sacred work that the tribal colleges are performing.

They are creating miracles. Graduates leave with self confidence and new skills. They are creating new jobs in their communities, or filling jobs that once were filled by non-Indians. Tribal colleges are providing hope to Indian people.

I always come away from Indian country energized and with a renewed sense of purpose. I know that our friends will leave dedicated to the cause of Indian education.

We are thinking about customizing our visits to Indian country to reflect the interests of our supporters. Drop me a line by posting a comment and let me know the places in Indian country that you would like to see and the tribal college programs you would be interested in learning more about.

In a good way,

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