College Fund President Named in Top 50 Leaders in Indian Country

Aug 28, 2015 | Blog

College Fund President Named in Top 50 Leaders in Indian Country

August 28, 2015

Congratulations to American Indian College Fund (the College Fund) President Cheryl Crazy Bull, who was named as one of the 50 Faces of Indian Country in Indian Country Today magazine for her lifelong contributions to Native education.

President Crazy Bull has more than 30 years of experience working in education for adults, higher education, and K-12 education with Native American institutions. As the leader of the College Fund since September 2012, Crazy Bull draws upon her many years as an educator, former tribal college president, and experience with community and organization development, with skills in strategic planning, assessment and evaluation, public relations, and fundraising to further the College Fund’s mission to provide American Indian students with greater access to higher education. In addition to her experience as an educator, Crazy Bull has worked extensively with tribal economic development, entrepreneurship, cultural arts development, and outreach programming.

The College Fund also congratulates the other people honored for their accomplishments!

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