The Wilke Family Foundation Grants $25,000 to American Indian College Fund for Scholarships

Oct 10, 2012 | Blog

The Wilke Family Foundation Grants $25,000 to American Indian College Fund for Scholarships

October 10, 2012

The Wilke Family Foundation granted the American Indian College Fund $25,000 for scholarships for Native students who show academic achievement and involvement in their communities.

Fifteen thousand dollars of the grant will fund unrestricted scholarships, and $10,000 will fund the Edwin Arwin Thornton Scholarship Endowment, established in 2009 in memory of Edwin Arwin Thornton. Liesl Wilke, who sits on the board of directors for the American Indian College Fund and established the Wilke Foundation with her husband, Jeff, said, “This endowment was established to honor Edmund Arwin Thornton, a beloved father, husband, and grandfather. Ed was a kind, generous man with a bright spirit who brought laughter to those around him. His ancestors included a small band of Lakota Blackfoot Indians from the Dakota Territory. He was an engineer who built many of the bridges that join the Florida Keys.”

Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund, said, “The generosity of The Wilke Family Foundation will help American Indian students earn a higher education. We are grateful for their generosity and commitment to American Indian education as they honor the legacy of Edmund Arwin Thornton.”

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