Udall Foundation Names Samantha Maltais a 2022 Native American Congressional Intern

Apr 6, 2022 | Blog, Featured Post, Inside the College Fund, Student Success

SamanthaMaltais_SummerEnl_2021Congratulations to Samantha Maltais (Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) of Massachusetts), an American Indian College Fund student scholar and student ambassador. Samantha received the College Fund’s prestigious three-year Law School Scholarship and studies at Harvard Law School. She was one of 11 students selected to participate in the Udall Foundation’s class of 2022 as an intern. Students are selected based on academic achievement, leadership, and demonstrated commitment to careers in Tribal public policy. From 1996 through 2021, 295 students from 131 Tribes have participated in the program.

The Udall Foundation’s Native American Congressional Internship Program, funded and comanaged by NNI, provides Native American and Alaska Native undergraduate, graduate, and law students with the opportunity to gain practical experience with the federal legislative process to understand firsthand the government-to-government relationship between Tribes and the federal government. The Udall Interns will complete an intensive nine-week internship in the summer of 2022 in Washington, D.C.

Congratulations Samantha!

To read more, visit the Udall Foundation web site at https://udall.gov/News/NewsAndEvents.aspx?Item=12184.


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