Forest County Potawatomi Community Foundation Donates $20,000 to The Fund for Scholarships

Jun 2, 2010 | Blog

Forest County Potawatomi Community Foundation Donates $20,000 to The Fund for Scholarships

June 2, 2010

Denver, Colorado – The Forest County Potawatomi Community Foundation of Milwaukee, Wisconsin granted the American Indian College Fund (the Fund) $20,000. One half of the grant will establish the Forest County Potawatomi Community Foundation Tribal College Scholarship Program, which will assist students pursuing degrees at the nation’s tribal colleges and universities. The remaining $10,000 will go towards the Sovereign Nations Scholarship Fund Endowment, which will provide scholarships to American Indian students in perpetuity.

“We all know and understand the importance of an education, and by extending scholarships to the most extraordinary of students, we place our faith in the potential of these future leaders,” said Kaye Garcia, Executive Director of the Forest County Potawatomi Community Foundation. “Scholarships help make furthering education possible and we are proud to support the American Indian College Fund.”

“Thanks to the generosity of this tribal foundation, we are able to help more Native American students reach their educational goals,” said Richard B. Williams, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. “We are excited about establishing this scholarship program and the positive effect it will have on higher education in Indian Country.”


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