Protect the Circle of Life: Please Get a Flu Vaccine

Jan 14, 2013 | Blog, Inside the College Fund, Student Success

a Flu shot being given

a Flu shot being givenThe flu season this year started early and is hitting the U.S. hard. American Indians and Alaska Natives, including college students, are at high risk for getting the flu and developing serious complications. The time is now for people to benefit from getting the vaccine. Anyone 6 months and older who has not gotten vaccinated yet this season should get vaccinated. At this time, some vaccine providers may have exhausted their vaccine supplies, while others may have remaining supplies of vaccine. People seeking vaccination may need to call more than one provider to locate vaccine. The flu vaccine locator at may also be helpful.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is raising awareness about the importance of flu vaccinations with a public health campaign called “Protect the Circle of Life.” Visit for additional information including a fact sheet, brochure, and flyer.

The Circle of Life is a powerful force. Keep the circle healthy and strong by getting vaccinated against the flu. Did you know Native people are at high risk for serious flu complications? It’s true. Pregnant women, young children, elders, and anyone with chronic health conditions like diabetes, asthma, and heart disease are especially vulnerable. Please get a yearly flu vaccine. Your flu vaccine protects me. My flu vaccine protects you. Together, let’s protect the circle of life. Learn more. Call 1-800-CDC-INFO.



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