Spirit Lake Dakota “Tiospaye Okciyapi Tipi” Center Groundbreaking is August 10

Aug 3, 2018 | Blog

Cankdeska Cikana Community College, the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation and the United Health Foundation are inviting the public to attend a groundbreaking ceremony for the Spirit Lake Recovery and Wellness Center at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 10, 2018.  This initiative, known as Tiospaye Okciyapi Tipi (Home or place for families helping families), will help expand access to substance abuse treatment for the Spirit Lake Dakota community and support long-term family recovery and wellness.

The Spirit Lake Recovery & Wellnesswill expand out-patient services to a 15-bed residential treatment center with Governor Burgum participating. It is the first project funded by United Health Foundation in the Dakotas and for a tribal community.  It is a $1.2 million construction/rehab project.

Lunch to Follow at 12:00 PM at the CCCC Student Union

Spirit Lake Recovery & Wellness Center
7527 Ephraim Hill Road
Fort Totten, ND
Parking and Shuttle Service Available at CCCC
Please Park in East Parking Lot by Gymnasium Entrance and Shuttle Service will be provided to and from the site.

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