The American Indian College Fund remembers generations of Native students who were forced to attend American Indian boarding schools by marking Orange Shirt Day.
TCUs in the News Blogs
In Memoriam: Carole Falcon-Chandler
The American Indian College Fund was saddened to hear of the passing of Carole Falcon-Chandler, longtime president of Aaniiih Nakoda College (ANC), a tribal college located on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation in Montana, on April 23, 2024.
Little Priest Tribal College President Manoj Patil Announced as Aspen New Presidents Fellow 2022-23
This article originally appeared on the Aspen Institute. Manoj Patil immigrated to the United States on January 1, 2001, to continue his higher education. After graduating with his master’s degree in May 2002, Patil joined Western Iowa Tech Community College...
In Memoriam: President Stephanie Hammitt, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
The American Indian College Fund team was saddened to learn of the passing of President Stephanie Hammitt. Our thoughts go out to President Hammitt’s family and friends, along with the faculty, staff, and students at FDLTCC. She will be missed.
Salish Kootenai College Offering Master of Science Degree Program in Natural Resources Management
Devastating mega forest fires and watershed contamination and other effects in the west resulting from global climate change make the work of natural resources professionals more important than ever. Salish Kootenai College (SKC), a four-year tribal college located on the Flathead Indian Reservation, began offering a Master of Science degree in Natural Resources Management in the fall of 2021 to meet this urgent need.
College Fund Works to Increase Native Student Enrollment
Denver’s Channel 9 interviewed Cheryl Crazy Bull about the College Fund’s mission and why it is important to her. College Fund student ambassador Chandra Norton also speaks about her journey from college to career.
TCUs to Benefit from Federal Program
Open Campus spoke with Cheryl Crazy Bull, President of the American Indian College Fund, about how Build Back Better will impact tribal colleges.
CCCC Head Start to Host First In-Person Family Night November 30
CCCC Head Start is welcoming their families back to the center, located at 7656 Ephriam Hill Road, for their November Family Night, Tuesday, November 30 from 5:00 – 6:30 pm! They will be celebrating Native American Heritage Month with fun filled activities, food and door prizes!
Inside Higher Ed: Pandemic’s Mental Health Toll on TCU Students
President Cheryl Crazy Bull of the American Indian College Fund and several TCU Presidents discuss the disproportionate mental impact the pandemic has had on TCU students.