The Sara Lee Foundation is proud to continue the Sara Lee Foundation Tribal College Scholarship Program for Women through a partnership with the American Indian College Fund (the Fund). This scholarship program will continue to provide financial assistance to American Indian women attending tribal colleges located in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Month: April 2010 Blogs
Embrey Family Foundation Establishes $1 Million Four-Year Women’s Leadership Program
The Dallas, Texas-based Embrey Family Foundation has awarded the American Indian College Fund a $1 million grant over a four-year period for a Native women’s leadership program.
The program will include funds to provide 20 scholarships and leadership training for American Indian women pursuing their bachelor’s degrees.
Morgan Stanley Foundation Continues Scholarship Program with $20,000 Donation to The Fund
Through a donation of $20,000, the Morgan Stanley Foundation is continuing its partnership with the American Indian College Fund (the Fund) to support American Indian education. The Morgan Stanley Foundation Tribal Scholars Program provides much-needed financial assistance to American Indian students pursuing degrees in business or business-related programs who have an interest in the financial services industry at tribal colleges and mainstream institutions.

SIPI Commencement Ceremonies
The campus is quiet because classes are over, but we make time to get stories about the new head start facilities on campus(which is available for the students) and we managed to run into a few of the dedicated science students still working on their projects and research.
Ben Plucknett Charitable Trust Gives More Than $11,000 to American Indian College Fund
The American Indian College Fund received a gift of more than $11,000 from the Boise, Idaho-based Ben Plucknett Charitable Trust. Jan DeRoin, Mr. Plucknett’s sister and a trustee of the trust, says the trust was established by her mother in honor of her son, who predeceased her by one year.
Institute of American Indian Arts visit
We made our way from Crownpoint to Santa Fe to visit the Institute of American Indian Arts, “the nation’s only fine arts college devoted solely to the artistic and cultural traditions of all American Indians.” IAIA has produced many of the top names in Native art. The school is a hot bed for up and coming filmmakers and artists, but also museum archivists and lawyers.
Navajo Technical College – Filming Trip
We drove in to Crownpoint late Sunday evening, dragging in the inclement weather is synonymous with the season’s spring winds and cool rains. We checked into the Navajo Technical College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center and got ready for our adventure awaiting us here in the Land of Enchantment.
American Indian College Fund to Film Video at Tribal Colleges
The Public Education team of the American Indian College Fund is on the road, filming students at tribal colleges and universities. Students at Tohono O’odham Community College, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic University, Navajo Technical College, Institute of American Indian Arts, Northwest Indian College, Oglala Lakota College, Sinte Gleska University, and College of Menominee Nation will be filmed.
Pendleton Launches Endowed Scholarship Program with American Indian College Fund
Oregon-based Pendleton Woolen Mills has donated $39,000 to establish an endowed scholarship program benefitting American Indian tribal college student scholarships through a partnership with the American Indian College Fund (the Fund). This endowed scholarship program, entitled the Pendleton Endowment, will provide financial assistance to Native students attending any of the 33 tribal colleges located throughout the United States.

Diana Canku, Tribal College President Earns Doctorate Degree
Diana Canku (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate), president of Sisseton Wahpeton College and a 2009-10 academic year fellow in the American Indian College Fund’s Andrew W. Mellon Career Enhancement Program, has successfully defended her dissertation and completed her doctorate degree.