A blog post shared by Orinda Goddard, Northwest Indian College, Nisqually Campus Faculty Member and 2023-2024 Indigenous Visionaries Fellow.

The Spring 2024 Newsletter brought to you by the American Indian College Fund.
Jade Araujo, an enrolled member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) in Massachusetts and a descendant of the Tlingit and Koyukon Athabascan tribes in Alaska, is the third person to have been awarded the American Indian College Fund Law School Scholarship. Araujo is a senior at Stanford University who will graduate in June with a degree in political science and will enter Harvard Law School in the fall. She is the daughter of Todd Araujo (Aquinnah Wampanoag) and Jaeleen Kookesh (Tlingit and Koyukon Athabascan).
The American Indian College Fund provides the next generation of Native teachers with the support they need—financial and otherwise—to succeed in their important education careers, while also supporting tribal colleges and universities with teacher education programs to provide them with a quality education. Together we are working to ensure Native voices and perspectives are seen and heard in the classroom—and Native students have the support to succeed.
Women and girls are sacred in Native communities and the disproportionate rates of violence against Native women is deeply concerning. More than four out of five of our Native mothers, aunts, sisters, and daughters experienced violence (84.3%) in 2022, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics.
The American Indian College Fund (College Fund) will host its Fifth Annual Summer of Success Conference: Cultivating Connections into Success from May 19 to May 21. This three-day, interactive online event is tailored to high school and college students, staff, faculty, and families, centering Native culture, experiences, and determinants of college success.