Student Self Care – Student Success

Oct 17, 2018 | Blog, Student Success

 Self-Care starts with understanding what nourishes you, and what exhausts you. Two College Fund Scholars – Marcus Red Shirt (Oglala Lakota) from Haskell Indian Nations University and Elizabeth Ton (Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin) from the University of Wisconsin-Superior, are sharing some self-care tips that help them to stay healthy and succeed at college:

  1. Know your boundaries – Honor them and surround yourself with people who honor them as well.
  2. Stay hydrated – Feeling off? Hungry? Tired? Drink some water first, and keep drinking it all day!
  3. Eat breakfast – fuel your brain for your classes and work to be your best.
  4. Use your planner – organize your assignments; along with your family, work and extracurricular commitments.
  5. Take a break – It’s OK to walk away from an assignment when you’re stressed or overwhelmed. Take a breather, stretch, talk to somebody and let out the frustration.
  6. Take a walk – Walking around and getting your blood pumping can recharge your thinking process.
  7. Refocus – Don’t let all the “things to do” overwhelm you. Remember your ultimate goal, and why you started college.

The college life can be overwhelming and stressful at times. Everyone has dealt with some form of stress during finals, or a big paper. Always remember your body needs to refuel at some point. Eat healthy and stay active – your mind and body will thank you.

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