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Cobell Settlement Passes Congress

The American Indian College Fund is delighted at the news that Congress passed Cobell settlement, and about the creation of the $60 million Indian Education Scholarship Holding Fund.  By including this provision in the settlement, the Plaintiffs in the case have reinforced the value of education in Indian Country while providing hope for a better future for many American Indian people.

Welcome to Our New Blog!

We hope you are enjoying our redesigned web site. We welcome your feedback and ideas about its interactive features, content, and more!

Passing of Margaret Teachout

All of us at the American Indian College Fund would like to express our sincere condolences to David, Gerald, and Robert Gipp on the loss of their mother, Margaret Teachout, who entered the Spirit World Thursday, October 28.

Tribal College Student Perspective: Speaking at the Gala

In addition to raising $385,000 for student scholarships, our Flame of Hope Gala on Oct. 14 presented our donors with the opportunity to meet many of our tribal college students, who came in for the event. But from a student’s perspective, the event was an opportunity for our tribal college students as well.

Welcome Mellon Fellows!

The American Indian College Fund welcomes our new Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Faculty Research Program and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Tribal College Faculty Career Enhancement Program fellows to Denver, Colorado. Both graduated and new fellowship participants are gathered to exchange research, information, and vital knowledge, building the intellectual capacity of our tribal colleges and Indian Country itself.

A Message to Our Students for the New School Year

Many of our tribal college students are back in school or are preparing to go back now. We at the American Indian College Fund would like to wish you the best of luck in the new school year. You are on a sacred journey of acquiring knowledge–about your people, your culture, and the wider world.

Calling All Tribal College Alumni

The American Indian College Fund wants your story! If you graduated from a tribal college or university and were an American Indian College Fund scholarship recipient, we want to hear from you. Your stories are inspirational to other students, and your experiences can help others.

Letter from a Supporter

I’d like to personally thank Sandra Beasley of Cleveland, Ohio, an unenrolled member of the Cherokee tribe who resides in Cleveland, Ohio, for taking the time to write to me about the Think Indian campaign. Sandra writes that the campaign “is absolutely brilliant, sensational, awesome, tremendous, epic, and life-changing” and that the stories of traditional and non-traditional students were inspiring for her.