As college graduations wind to a close, it is fitting to acknowledge the people that help our students to succeed-tribal college faculty. The Blanchard Faculty Member of the Year Award recognizes one distinguished faculty member at each of the tribal colleges who exemplifies a commitment to students, scholarship, teaching, and service to Native communities.
Month: June 2013 Blogs

Sacred Books for Little Ones
Nestled between the Lummi Bay and Bellingham Bay in Northwest Washington State, four tribal college early childhood education programs brought their knowledge together among the thicket of tradition and scenery on the Lummi Indian reservation. The Wakanyeja Early Childhood Education Initiative tribal college grantees of Northwest Indian College, College of Menominee Nation, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) and Ilisagvik College gathered last week for their annual Sacred Little Ones convening on the Lummi reservation.

Nake Nula Waun – In Honor of Albert White Hat
We share with you in deep sadness that Albert White Hat made his journey to the Spirit World on June 11, 2013. Our condolences and prayers are with Albert’s family at this time. As we grieve over our loss of an amazing teacher, spiritual leader, and friend, Albert will never be forgotten.

SIPI Early Childhood Student is accepted into the Charles Carl Program at Yale University
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) is proud to announce that Andrea Vicente, a student in the Early Childhood Education program, has been awarded the opportunity to participate in the Charles Carl Program for Students and Faculty at Yale University’s Child Study Center.