This is part two of the story of a father who instilled in his daughter the value of education in its many forms, and a mother and grandmother who paved the way through their teachings.

This is part two of the story of a father who instilled in his daughter the value of education in its many forms, and a mother and grandmother who paved the way through their teachings.
American Indian College Fund President and CEO Cheryl Crazy Bull shares her wisdom with writer and editor Analiza Quiroz Wolf on leadership in the new book “The Myths of Success: A Woman of Color’s Guide to Leadership,” which was released on January 15.
Hundreds of scholarships in all areas of study are available for Indigenous students with the American Indian College Fund. The College Fund’s scholarship season opens on February 1, 2024. Indigenous students attending tribal colleges and universities can receive additional scholarship support.
This is part one of the story of a father who instilled in his daughter the value of education in its many forms, and a mother and grandmother who paved the way through their teachings.