American Indian College Fund Annual Flame of Hope Fundraising Gala Raises More than $400,000 to Benefit Native Education

Oct 10, 2013 | Blog, Inside the College Fund

The American Indian College Fund is projected to raise $550,000 support Native student scholarships at its 18th annual Flame of Hope Gala, held on October 10 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Proceeds will benefit Native education.

Native artist Steven Paul Judd (Kiowa/Choctaw) created a painting live at the event, which was awarded to the donor providing the largest gift. The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe took the painting for their donation of $50,000. A silent auction including art by the nation’s top Native artists, and entertainment by Native musicians, including classical guitarist Gabriel Ayala and the dance and music group Brulé, were featured. Haskell Indian Nations University alumnus Dominic Clichee spoke during the program.

The American Indian College Fund honored the Northwest Area Foundation of Minneapolis for funding a $1 million, one-year Tribal College Leaders in Community Innovation Award, providing financial assistance for tribal college programs impacting local communities at Leech Lake Tribal College in Minnesota; Sitting Bull College in North Dakota; Oglala Lakota College in South Dakota; Stone Child College in Montana; and Northwest Indian College in Washington State.

We thank the 37 individual, corporate, foundation, and tribal nation sponsors that made this year’s Flame of Hope Gala a tremendous success. Flame of Hope Sponsor: USA Funds. Keeper of the Flame Sponsor: Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota. Vision of Hope Sponsors: The CocaCola Company, Comcast NBC Universal , Lannan Foundation, Nissan North America, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. Circle of Hope Sponsors: Anheuser-Busch Companies, AT&T, The Richard Black Family: Richard, Heather, Kara, and Erica, Ford Motor Company Fund & Community Services; McDonald’s Corporation, Target Corporation, Travelers, UPS Foundation, US Bank, Walmart Foundation, Wieden + Kennedy. Spirit of Giving Sponsors: CBS Corporation, FedEx, Grotto Foundation, Jenzabar, Mattel, Peskoff Foundation, The Tierney Family Foundation, United Health Foundation. Visionary Sponsors: Amergent, Kimberly S. Blanchard, Dine College, Kauffman and Associates, Inc., Leech Lake Tribal College, National Indian Gaming Association, MAG Mechanical. Ignite the Flame Sponsors: Aramark, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College, College of the Muscogee Nation, Northwest Indian College.

Our Partners:

Thank You to Our 2013 Flame of Hope Gala Silent Auction Contributors:

  • Timothy H. Terry (Akimel O’Odham)
  • Cara Romero (Chemehuevi Indian Tribe)
  • Judy Gould
  • Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
  • Bobby Bales (Taos Pueblo)
  • Andrew and Gladys Pacheco (Santo Domingo Pueblo)
  • Daniel B. Ramirez (Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe)
  • Waya’ aisiwa Gary Keene (Acoma Pueblo)
  • David Gary Suazo (Taos Pueblo)
  • Than Povi Fine Art Gallery
  • Geraldine Tso (Navajo)
  • Todd Lone Dog Bordeaux (Sicangu Lakota Tribe)
  • C.J. Shije (Zia/Acoma Pueblo)
  • Lou Thoumann

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