Oglala Lakota College GED tutors find themselves learning and celebrating milestones along with their students.

Oglala Lakota College GED tutors find themselves learning and celebrating milestones along with their students.
Sinte Gleska University’s high school equivalency students become grounded in their cultural identities as they lead community engagement efforts through Native Arts workshops.
Jeri’s first step to achieving her dream of serving and supporting Native youth is completing her high school equivalency degree at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University.
Tohono O’odham Community College continues to make strides in pre-college pathway options for Native students, setting them up for success in their college and career journeys.
Just a few years ago, Conrad was a GED student at Oglala Lakota College. Now he is back in the same classroom as the tutor, using his lived experience and TCU education to support students continuing their own education.
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College’s high school equivalency (HSE) program recognizes that one of the Seven Grandfather Teachings, Aakwa’ode’ewin (bravery), is displayed momentously by its HSE students. This is the story of one those students, Akiiwaande.
Sherman “Jim” Marshall has led Sinte Gleska University’s adult basic education and high school equivalency work for nearly 15 years. His quiet leadership has left a lasting impact on staff and students.
In this HSE student highlight, we see how encouragement can transform a student’s confidence, academic success, and plans for his future.
For half of a century, Oglala Lakota College GED tutors have dedicated their hearts and time, helping students pick up their educations where they left off. For some tutors, supporting GED students has been their life’s work. For others, it is a newfound calling.