Ihduwiyayapi Blogs

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I:We-Mta: Working Together

I:We-Mta: Working Together

The Tohono O’odham Community College Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program’s Ihduwiyayapi: Advancing Indigenous Early Childhood Education grant, titled I:We-Mta: Working Together, had three goals: to increase student satisfaction and sense of belonging through site visits, to increase program offerings to sister tribes and throughout the state of Arizona, and to improve the program’s cultural and academic alignments.

Building the Capacity of Early Childhood Education through Innovative Indigenous Approaches: Integrating Indigenous Culture, Philosophy, and Pedagogy into ECE Programming

Building the Capacity of Early Childhood Education through Innovative Indigenous Approaches: Integrating Indigenous Culture, Philosophy, and Pedagogy into ECE Programming

The 2022-2023 Ihduwiyayapi: Advancing Indigenous Early Childhood Education program grant from the American Indian College Fund at Little Priest Tribal College, titled Building the Capacity of Early Childhood Education through Innovative Indigenous Approaches, supported the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program at Little Priest Tribal College (LPTC) in a variety of ways to help indigenize ECE programming, curriculum, instruction, pathways, and the total educational experience of early childhood students.

Building the College of Menominee Nation’s Capacity through Culture, Community, Connections, and Collaboration

Building the College of Menominee Nation’s Capacity through Culture, Community, Connections, and Collaboration

In the spring of 2022, the American Indian College Fund awarded the College of Menominee Nation (CMN) the Ihduwiyayapi: Advancing Indigenous Early Childhood Education Grant for its teacher education program, which is a community-centered and multi-faceted approach to early childhood education that builds on CMN’s current capacity to teach and train early childhood educators to graduate with the skills to be fully equipped to teach the Menominee Nation’s littlest learners.