Walmart knows that providing outstanding students with scholarships is just one of the stepping stones students need to succeed. Opportunities to network outside of campus and community are important in exposing students to new ideas and possibilities as part of a students’ intellectual development—and career path.
Student Success Blogs
Diane: Working for Education, Tradition, and Culture of Native People
Walmart knows that providing outstanding students with scholarships is just one of the stepping stones students need to succeed. Opportunities to network outside of campus and community are important in exposing students to new ideas and possibilities as part of a students’ intellectual development—and career path.
From Student Intern to College Fund Employee: Cassandra’s Journey
Cassandra Harden (Diné) was focused on a career in early childhood education when she first learned about internship opportunities with the American Indian College Fund (College Fund). While she studied as a student at tribal college Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Cassandra got involved in SIPI’s early childhood program, working on the College Fund’s Wakanyeja “Sacred Little Ones” and Ké’ Early Childhood Initiatives, as a student intern.
Good Luck on Finals, Pathways Students!
We know finals are a stressful time for college students—we’ve all been there! But we also know you CAN do it. To make Finals Week a little less stressful to its Native Pathways program participants, Student Coach Teresa Melendez lovingly packed care packages with highlighters, pens, snacks, and herbal tea for students.
#Indigetern Native Student Intern Stories
Robin Maxkii shared some snippets from her internship experience at the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. In a conversation with her about her internship experience, she shared that her time in Washington was one of her best experiences in learning more about how to think about and act on information given by working professionals and mentors. Although she was appreciative of their advice, she chafed at feedback about her career trajectory and academic pursuit.
2017-19 Native Pathways to College Bridge Program Grantees
In the spring of 2017, the College Fund awarded four tribal college and university grantees $50,000 each for two consecutive years to implement a year-round program to increase the college readiness and college-going-environments for American Indian and Alaska Native high school sophomores, juniors and seniors preparing for a higher education.
Money Management — Making Common Cents
When tasked with the responsibility of clothing and feeding family, paying bills, keeping the car fueled and running, and paying for an education, you may feel overwhelmed. You are not alone. Understanding credit and debt management allows you to make fiscally responsible decisions. Financial literacy ranges from understanding how a checking account works to understanding your credit score.
Student Success — Managing Your Time as Student
Failing to manage your time effectively can lead to stress, which is detrimental to your health and the well-being of those around you. By using effective time management to balance work, school, and family life, you will be better equipped for the road ahead as a student and beyond.
Student Success — Self-Care
Life is full of big and small stresses, often simultaneously. Stress can come as a result of trauma, burnout, compassion fatigue, or other sources. Whatever the cause, establishing consistent self-care practices can help. Without self-care, you risk adopting unhealthy coping habits to find relief and escape.
Student Success — Giving Back
Black Elk said, “Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle.” Your education is part of that circle. As your vision of the future unfolds, we hope you will share what you have learned with others.