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Student Blogger: “Remin-icing or Reality?”

Student Blogger: “Remin-icing or Reality?”

Author’s Note: This throwback tale is a testament of how things have changed and how they have stayed the same. Reminiscing reminds me to find humor every day. College life as a mom of twins doesn’t slow down, in fact it’s much like a tornado. So even when the twins, now in their terrible twos, hit hard, I am the foundation that this home is built on. Memories such as the story that follows provide reassurance.

College Visits Build Perspective for Prospective College Students

College Visits Build Perspective for Prospective College Students

My name is Dane Allapowa and I am a sophomore at Cankdeska Cikana Community College (CCCC); a tribal college in Fort Totten, N.D., on the Spirit Lake Reservation. Thanks to the American Indian College Fund’s Native Pathways to College program, I was able to take a tour of my prospective college,  North Dakota State University (NDSU).

Connection-Maker Leverages Education to Amplify Power, Help Others

Connection-Maker Leverages Education to Amplify Power, Help Others

My name is Joaquin Ray Gallegos and I am from the Jicarilla Apache Nation and the Pueblo of Santa Ana. I was raised to be a connection-maker. Each American Indian and Alaska Native student and youth is a rare solution to the unrest and problems that grip society today. We help secure access to clean water, quality health care, and safe housing to elevate the standard of life for all of society.

Navigating College in Alaska

Navigating College in Alaska

Our Native Pathways team embarked on a trip to Alaska to visit Ilisagvik College and Barrow High School. I thought my five hour plane trip to college every semester was a major journey.  Barrow is situated on the northernmost part of the United States, in other words, the “top of the world.”