
2011 – 2016

About The Program

Wakanyeja “Sacred Little Ones” was the first ECE program at the American Indian College Fund. The program worked to bring together tribal colleges, communities, educators, and families to address early learning disparities in Native communities during the years of 2011 to 2016. The initiative addressed the following five domains:

  • Improve cognitive and non-cognitive skill acquisition among American Indian children
  • Improve early childhood teacher education quality in Native communities by partnering with post-secondary teacher education programs at tribal colleges
  • Bridge early childhood education Pre-K transition to K-3 schooling
  • Integrate Native language(s) and culture(s) into curriculum development and instruction for teacher preparation programming, early childhood education centers, and K-3 settings
  • Empower families and communities to act as agents of change in education for their children

In 2011, four tribal colleges were selected through a competitive process to participate in the Wakanyeja program, and received up to $935,000 over four years to develop and strengthen early childhood education programs at tribal colleges.



In 2011, four tribal colleges were selected through a competitive process to participate in the Wakanyeja ECE Initiative and received up to $935,000 over four years to develop and strengthen early childhood education programs at tribal colleges.

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College of Menominee Nation

Iḷisaġvik College

Northwest Indian College

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

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Uqautchim Uglua at Ilisagvik College

Uqautchim Uglua at Ilisagvik College

Ilisagvik College’s Uqautchim Uglua, or ‘language nest’ program, celebrated important milestones in 2012. The school introduced an Iñupiaq Early Learning Associate of Arts degree to meet the college’s goal to increase the number of indigenous certified teachers on the North Slope. This degree offers a holistic approach designed to support Native students in their learning experiences, has a traditional Iñupiaq emphasis, and meets accreditation requirements.

Program supported to build and strengthen Iñupiaq language

Program supported to build and strengthen Iñupiaq language

Ilisagvik College President Pearl Brower was presented with a Proclamation of Support for the Uqautchim Uglua (language nest) Program by Alaska’s North Slope Bureau Mayor Charlotte Brower. It will provide an additional $153,000 in funding for the program, which is also a participant in the American Indian College Fund’s Sacred Little Ones program, funded by the Kellogg Foundation. 

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Computer Science

Environmental Stewardship

Indigenous Education


Native Arts

The Iñupiat family engagement event was held at the Aimaaġvik Assisted Living Center to celebrate the season with the elder residents.

Supporting Our Relatives