Kayla Dix (Salish) Early Education Preschool - Third Grade Education Major, Salish Kootenai College I am 29 years old and live on the Flathead Indian Reservation with my three beautiful daughters Kayci, Fallyn, and Sayla. Currently I am in my senior year at Salish...
Month: October 2020 Blogs

American Indian College Fund Grant Recipient Named ROI Institute 2019 Award Winner
American Indian College Fund Grant Recipient Named ROI Institute 2019 Award Winner Denver, Colo.—October 27, 2020. Dr. Jennifer Janacek-Hartman, Vice President of Campus Services at Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, a tribal college in New Town, North Dakota, received...
Sharing of a Culture – A Collaborative Joining of Resources
LouAnne Hoskinson (Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe) Tribal College and University: Salish Kootenai College Major: Early Childhood Development American Indian College Fund Indigenous Visionary Fellows partnered with Salish Kootenai College (SKC) Early Learning...
| 2020 E-NEWSLETTER | VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 |Circle of HopePERSISTENCE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY By the time this finds its way to you, I’m hoping and praying we all will be on the other side of the COVID pandemic. But right now, while I am writing, we are still...

The Transition
Just about every educational institution worldwide made the transition to distance learning; some have been successful while others are still struggling. Tohono O’odham Community College’s GED program made the transition to online instruction this semester. Though it is still a trial and error process, our work is progressing.
Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College Earth Week: It’s a Small World
Emily Lockling (Fond du Lac and Leech Lake) Tribal College and University: Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Major: Environmental Science Counting your chickens before they hatch, or in my case, buying your first set of luggage before a pandemic hit with...

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: A Step Towards Visibility
Tribal nations, cities, and states across the country prepare to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day on Monday, October 12. Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day affirms that we are still here, while underscoring the resilience of our ancestors and our hopes for the...
From Surviving to Thriving: Sisseton Wahpeton College Fellows
LaVerne Whitebear (Fort Peck Assiniboine Sioux) Tribal College and University: Sisseton Wahpeton College Degree Major: Behavioral Science I am a 46-year old wife and mother of seven children, some grown and some not, and a first-generation college student. I have...
The Voices of Indigenous Visionaries: Highlights of the 2019-2020 Grant Year
The Indigenous Visionaries program has worked with three Tribal Colleges and Universities for three years (2017 – 2020), supporting the development of Native women leaders in the three programming areas of Early Childhood Education, Environmental Stewardship, and...