Our Programs
The College Fund supports Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in their efforts to strengthen students, emergent leadership, education, language and culture, health and wellness, the environment, and so much more, all moving our mission of transforming Native lives and communities.
Our work in partnership with TCUs focuses on supporting our relatives from cradle to career and beyond. This institutional capacity-building work consists of supporting TCU grantee partners in co-visioning programming, technical support, professional development, research and networking opportunities, and program elements that directly support students’ and communities’ needs.
Programs TCU Capacity Support and Impact
2023-2024 Data
Active Program Grants to TCUs
TCUs Supported Across Programs
Indigenous Visionaries Fellows
Student Veteran Fellows
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Programs News
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Relationships: Children Discovering STEM with the World Around Them
Children are natural scientists and learn through exploring and creating props for play within their environment. Salish Kootenai College (SKC) Early Learning Center extends its learning community from inside walls to the outdoors, allowing children to discover the changes occurring in each season and to be immersed in nature.
With Few Role Models, Native Americans Struggle To Access Higher Education
American Indian College Fund President Cheryl Crazy Bull is interviewed for this California Public Radio story in which reporter Adolfo Guzman-Lopez reports that of the 280,000 students enrolled at University of California campuses, only about 1,100 of them are Native Americans — only about 100 more than 20 years ago.
College Fund Scholar Joins Supporter Diet Coke to Promote Conversation About Labels
Labels are tricky. They can mean different things to different people – and there’s no one-size-fits-all perspective. Some fight for and embrace labels as a means of connectivity, self-expression and, even, protection. Others reject the divisive labels that are imposed on them by others.
Participants learned about the importance of culturally competent representation in health care, preparing for their careers, and improving health care in the communities they plan to serve.