Month: February 2017 Blogs

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Are Tribal Colleges A Product of School Choice or Segregation?

Are Tribal Colleges A Product of School Choice or Segregation?

Are tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) the result of de facto segregation? Currently in higher education there is considerable discussion about the value and challenges faced by our Nation’s historically black college and universities (HBCUs). While this debate rightly belongs squarely in all discussions about access and affordability and value of higher education, it neglects the experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native students and the colleges and universities that have emerged to serve them in a similar fashion.

We Support Finding Solutions for Modern Challenges

We Support Finding Solutions for Modern Challenges

We at the American Indian College Fund stand with people concerned about the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in a peaceful way, based on our Native values of caring for the environment and each other. Our values are as relevant today as they were generations ago, based on the importance of the physical health of our citizens and the economic health of our nation. These are the values we incorporate in the education of our tribal college students.

Student Blogger: “Remin-icing or Reality?”

Student Blogger: “Remin-icing or Reality?”

Author’s Note: This throwback tale is a testament of how things have changed and how they have stayed the same. Reminiscing reminds me to find humor every day. College life as a mom of twins doesn’t slow down, in fact it’s much like a tornado. So even when the twins, now in their terrible twos, hit hard, I am the foundation that this home is built on. Memories such as the story that follows provide reassurance.

Book About Overcoming Racism in Community Colleges Features Work By Tribal College President Dr. Cynthia Lindquist

Book About Overcoming Racism in Community Colleges Features Work By Tribal College President Dr. Cynthia Lindquist

Dr. Cynthia Lindquist, Ta’Sunka Wicahipi Win (Star Horse Woman), President of Cankdeska Cikana Community College on the Spirit Lake Reservation in North Dakota, is a contributing author to a book titled Overcoming Educational Racism in the Community College: Creating Pathways to Success for Minority and Impoverished Student Populations, edited by Angela Long and published by Stylus Publishing LLC, 2016.

Line Drawn: Standing With Standing Rock

Line Drawn: Standing With Standing Rock

Deborah His Horse is Thunder has worked for the tribal colleges and universities for more than 25 years and currently serves as the American Indian Higher Education Consortium NARCH Project Director in addition to her work with individual colleges. She is Nakoda and lives on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation with her husband, Ron.